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Medical School

You don't need expensive MCAT study materials to get the score you're happy with.

We're here to help you with that.

Traditional MCAT resources cost thousands of dollars. See for yourself:



Princeton Review

  • 515+ Immersion: $6549

  • 510+ Course: $2949

  • Online Course: $2449

  • Self-Paced: $1449


  • Altius

  • Platinum 1-on-1: $4999


  • Online Course: $2499

  • MCAT Bootcamp: $6999

  • DIY Course: $1799



Blue Print

  • Online Course: $2499


*all prices as of 11/28/2020.​


Bernie's Freesources is founded by a team of students who couldn't afford the expensive prices of traditional resources. We are determined to make the MCAT less of a financial barrier to entry for medical school.

"When medical school admission committees use the MCAT as a screening tool to determine who gets into medical schools or not, they rob many aspiring physicians, especially those who are underrepresented minorities, of their dream to become a physician." (Genao, 2020)


"Many factors may be relevant to improving access to test preparation resources. Examinees from lower SES backgrounds may have trouble affording even low-cost resources. Preparing for the MCAT exam takes considerable time, and examinees from lower SES backgrounds may have other commitments (e.g., work or family obligations) competing for their time compared with examinees from higher SES backgrounds." (Girotti, 2015)


We set up this site with one goal in mind: make studying for the MCAT more affordable.

We want to help you realize that acing the MCAT isn't just reserved for those who can afford expensive resources. At Bernie's Freesources, we believe that anyone has the right to pursue a career in medicine, and we want to increase the accessibility of resources for those whose dream is to become a physician.


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